Catholic Bible Storybook

by CatholicBrain, Inc



Journey through the Bible with the Catholic Bible Storybook. The Catholic Bible Storybook will take yourchildren on the adventure of a lifetime as they learn that the Bible is a love letterfrom our Creator!• From Creation to Adam and Eve, from the Fall of Man to the covenants Godmade to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, children will experience thetrue story of God’s incredible love for you and me.• Follow the life of Jesus, His teachings, miracles, and parables.• Walk with Jesus through the suffering of the cross to the glory of theResurrection!• Learn about the gift Jesus lovingly offers all of us, the greatest gift of all:forgiveness of sin and an invitation to become sons and daughters of Godand to live with Him forever!• Experience the life of the early Church, as God’s gifts are poured out on Hispeople.The Catholic Bible Storybook will help children of all agesunderstand the Bible and the story of salvation, meet the heroes of the Bible, andwitness God’s deep and abiding love for us.